New Skyrim Screenshots Show Off Khajiit and Orcs

Bethesda Softworks has released new screenshots for their highly-anticipated open-world RPG, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. These new screenshots show off the new character models of the Khajiit and Orc races. Khajiit are bipedal cat people and Orcs are corrupted elves with sharp teeth, underbites, and sickly green skin. Check them out here.

In addition, GAMENYUSU did a comparison between the old Khajiit and Orc character models and the new Khajiit and Orc character models. Check them out below.

As you can see, the new Khajiit has a more defined face and detailed fur patterns.

The new Orc also has a more defined face, as well as broken teeth, milky eyes, and a more intimidating shade of green. Let's be honest, no one is scared of an Orc who looks like a Granny Smith apple.