Resident Evil 6: Possible 6 Player co-op and More

According to information on Resident Evil 6’s official marketplace listing (information which has now been removed), the upcoming zombie killer will support six-player co-op, as well as local two-player co-op. The listing as removed all evidence of any kind of multiplayer, meaning that Capcom isn’t quite ready for everyone to know that yet.

It also suggested that the upcoming Resident Evil title will support an eight-player online multiplayer. However, details concerning the online element has yet to be revealed.

The co-op could be a real treat considering that the release trailer featured each of the three main protagonist having their own unique partner.

Readers Comments (1)

  1. Best me to posting the news today 🙁 I was a little late, but I read this news last night and it was quite interesting. 6 players would have to mean they’re setting up a separate campaign for it, as I doubt they would make the single player campaign compatible with that many players.

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